Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summer Summary!

Wow- this summer has been going by EXTREMELY quick!  Maybe it's because my hubby and I went on a 5-year anniversary trip, bought a new house and sold ours (in 1 day, I must add), or perhaps it's because we are in the middle of moving with two crazy boys and a energetic puppy!  Either way, we are busy, busy, busy!

This weekend we move into our NEW house!  It is bittersweet leaving our old house and neighborhood, but we are very excited to embark on some new adventures.  Today, we just went to the new hood to check out a new park in the area.  The boys loved it!  There was the best swing I have ever seen where you can swing WITH your baby.  Owen loved it because there was lots of stuff to climb, and lord knows he needs to get out all the climbing that he can these days!

I go back to work at the end of August and am already dreading it!  Once I get back into the groove it is fine, but like I said earlier, I just feel like it's going by too fast!  The rest of the summer I want to concentrate on some simple goals, I will call them my "End of Summer Goals":

-Get settled into our new house and unpack all the boxes.  Make sure everything item has a "place."
-Coordinate the first week of school lessons and activities (outfits included!)
-Go through Owen and Miles' fall clothes to see what they need/do not need.
-Make myself a fall capsule wardrobe.
-Continue to go to the gym and eat healthy (& hopefully lose 5-10 more lbs.)
-Have mother/son dates with each boy.

These are actually more goals than I wanted to have for the remainder of the summer.  I am a simple-minded person, and I usually like to stick to 3-5 (at the most) goals per month or so (can you tell I am a special education teacher?!?). I will touch base on how I am doing with these goals in a few is time to get back to my wine and "Jane the Virgin" on Netflix (got to love being a teacher in the summer!).


Wednesday, June 15, 2016



"5" has been a very significant number these days.  Recently, my husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary.  Crazy how fast five years fly by.  To celebrate our wedding anniversary, we decided to buy a house!  This is where the number "5" comes in again; we've lived in our house for five years.  These last five years in our cute, little bungalow has filled our hearts with so many joyful memories:

-Moving into the house in the cute little neighborhood with our then dog, Riley, who is now buried in our backyard.
-Chasing Riley in our neighbors' yards when she got off the leash!

-The many bump pictures I took by our handmade chalkboard in the kitchen.

-Bringing little Owen home for the first time.
-Riley passing in my husband's arms in the living room.
-Owen learning how to walk.
-Bringing our new puppy, Lucy home.
-Watching Owen and Lucy nap together in Owen's room.

-Bringing Miles home.
-Christmas time- the beauty of the Christmas tree in our front window.

-The rustic fall leaves brightening up the historic neighborhood.
-Walks to our favorite ice cream shop, through the local college, and down to the Farmer's Market.

Our house could not have served us better.  It was only a little house, in a quaint neighborhood, but man, it meant the world to us. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


It has been awhile since updating this little space of mine.  I have since gone through a couple life changes: my beloved golden retriever died and we got a new dog named Lucy.  She is a 10-month-old English Springer Spaniel.  I also had another baby boy in December 2015.  We like to call him Mr. Miles.

I have been on maternity leave, and will be going back in early March.  As some of you know, when you have a child, you begin to ponder your life.  I recently went through some old, elementary papers and projects of mine, and I decided that I am missing something.
 I've always wanted to be a wife, and I am one.
 I have always wanted children, well I have two beautiful boys.
 I wanted to become a teacher, and that is a reality too!
One thing (besides being a hair stylist, more on that later) that I always wanted to be was an author.  That's right.  When I was in first grade, other kids wanted to become astronauts, doctors, and police officers, and I wanted to be an author.  See, I always enjoyed writing, and, it turns out, I was decent at it.  Lately, it feels like I need a creative outlet, and I've had the urge to write.  So that urge is what brings me back here.  Seeing as I am in the "mommy" phase of my life, I will probably be writing posts about babies, toddlers, and family.  I will also post about being a working mom, a reality I've struggled with in the past, but have come to cherish.

~Mrs. W

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Horrible, Terrible, No Good, VERY Bad Day

Today was a horrible, terrible, no good, VERY bad day.

It was one of the days where I felt like I could not wake up and go to my job any longer.

But then I took a step back, and looked at the big picture:

~I have an amazing husband.  He supports me in all that I do and the decisions that I make.  He tells me all the time how beautiful I am.  No, he does not understand what I go through at my job, but he does try and make me smile when I've had a bad day.

My little Owen ba-bowen is so cute and fun to come home to.  He lights up my world!  He is always ready to give me a big, fat kiss and I love reading to him and seeing the intense interest in his face. My favorite little buddy!

My little baby girl, Riley, always knows when I've had a bad day.  She comes and puts her head on my lap while I'm on the couch, just to let me know that she's here for me.  Golden's are the best.

Next time you are having a bad day, I encourage you to take a step back and think of the things that ARE going good in your life. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Joyful Changes


So, alot has changed since I last updated this little corner of cyper-space!

One thing, one major thing, I had a baby!  Yes! My husband and I had a baby boy and he is the most adorable, precious, sweetest, silly thing on this planet! I would be lying if I didn't say that I think he is truly the cutest baby ever!  (But, don't all mommas say that?

How can you argue with me? Is he not the cutest baby ever?  Mr. O!

I am a working mother and have a full-time job.  The reason I say this is because ALL mothers, no matter if you are a stay-at-home mom or working outside the house, are "working" moms.  I am a teacher-mom to special education students during the day and then I come home and work at being this boy's mother.  At times, I wish I could stay at home with him, but then there are times I am grateful to be doing something outside of the house.

Right now, I have a job.  I make extra money.  I provide valuable insurance for my family.  That's how I see it.

Yes, teaching is just a "job" to me.  I am no longer sure that I want it to be a "career."  ...But that's a whole 'nother post!

Enjoy the cutest baby pictures EVER!

~Mrs. W

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Year's Resolution?

Within the last couple months I have started using the site Lose It! to lose some post-wedding weight.  I really like the features, and they allowed me more calories than livestrong. :)  According to Lose It! I should be down to my goal weight (-14 lbs) by April 4th.  So far I have lost 5 pounds, only 9 more to go!  Check it out!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

End of Year/2012 Goals

I usually do not do New Year's resolutions, but I decided I am this year. Why wait for the official New Year to start them?  Here they are!

1) Exercise not to lose weight, but to feel good and reduce stress.

2) Kinda has to do with #1, but run a 5K (have never done this before!)

3) Start a journal.

4) Try and be more stylish.  Actually coordinate outfits for school, outings, etc.

5) Start a little "book" for the hubby and I-- inspiration seen here.

6) Stock up on more fresh fruit and vegetables.

7) Read more.

8) Get more massages-- it is FREE with my insurance so I have no idea why I am not taking advantage of this. 

9) Play with my doggie more. --> They say playing with your pooch reduces researched here.

10) Start a notebook of interesting/funny/cute things my students say.  Hey, maybe this could be a bestseller one day!

11) Say no more.  I am one of those people that says "yes" all the time.  I need to learn how to respectfully decline sometimes.

12 for 2012.... #12- Have a baby? Just kidding! TRAVEL! I really, really want to go somewhere.  Anywhere.

There ya go... I am confident I will achieve these goals!